Word File Trimmer Utility


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Word File Trimmer Utility – Trim and Optimize Your Word Documents

Are you tired of dealing with unnecessary blank page at the end of your Word documents? Do you want a quick and easy fix? Look no further! Introducing the Word File Trimmer Utility – your solution to hassle-free orphan page removal in MS Word.


  1. Effortless Trimming: With just a few clicks, you can remove any unwanted content at the end of your Word documents. Say goodbye to empty pages, orphan paragraphs, or extra spacing – the Word File Trimmer Utility streamlines your files instantly.
  2. File Format Support: Whether you’re working with .doc, .docx, or .docxm files, this utility handles them all. No matter the format, the Word File Trimmer is ready to optimize your documents.
  3. Intuitive Interface: We’ve designed the utility with simplicity in mind. Anyone, from beginners to tech-savvy users, can easily navigate and use it without any hassle.
  4. Smart File Naming: When you trim your documents, the utility automatically provides a new name to avoid overwriting the original file. No more worries about accidental data loss!

System Requirements:

  • Windows 10, 8, or 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Word installed on your computer

Please Note:

  • The Word File Trimmer Utility is specifically designed for Word documents with orphan content at the end. It will only remove the last page when there is no content on the last page (this includes spaces, images, or text). This is specifically for dealing with those annoying blank pages that you just can’t seem to get rid of even though there is nothing on it.
  • Your original file will remain untouched. A new file will be generated and fixed. The name of the new file will be displayed and it will be placed in the same folder as the original file.
  • This utility is for personal use only. Commercial use or redistribution is not permitted without prior consent.

Download now and experience frustration free cleanup of orphan pages in Microsoft Word!


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