Tech Solutions for Business Growth

We Help You Navigate the Digital Landscape with Confidence

Technology Dashboards and Websites Icon
Data in the Cloud Icon (Blue)

Data Consulting

With our data consultation services, you can turn your data into a powerful business tool. We help you clean, process, and understand your data, revealing insights that can drive growth and efficiency. Let us show you the potential hidden in your spreadsheets.

Task Automation Icon with Gears (Yellow)

Process Improvement

Simple Tech Answers doesn’t just identify the problems—we provide solutions. Our team offers practical suggestions for improving your business processes, helping you to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Artificial Intelligence Icon

Artificial Intelligence

Let us help you discover the power of AI. We guide you in implementing AI solutions that enhance productivity, optimize business processes, and bolster your marketing efforts, helping you operate more effectively and reach your target audience with precision.

Technology Coworkers Ideating and Planning - Icon


Let’s Empower Your Business Through Technology

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Case Studies

Featured Work

Discover how we’ve helped our clients overcome their technology challenges and drive their businesses forward. From individual influencers/bloggers to multi-million dollar manufacturing companies. We offer a variety of services, from data consulting to AI implementation, explore the success stories of past clients and see the difference we can make.

Latina Businesswoman

Data Management

Efficient Data Management for Complex Tax Requirements

Simple Tech Answers implemented a custom solution to reconcile import/export data for an international company’s complex tax process. Using “fuzzy” matching algorithms, we accurately matched imported raw materials with exported goods for tax purposes, ensuring compliance and saving significant time, resources, and avoiding tax liability.

Businesswoman In Data Center

Custom Programming

Imaging & Data Extraction

Simple Tech Answers created a custom software program for a company in the construction inspection space. They were dealing with exceptionally large data files recieved from a client. These files, containing a mix of metadata and photographs, were too big to handle using traditional tools. STA developed a custom program that effectively extracted all images along with their corresponding metadata, demonstrating our ability to deliver innovative solutions for unique data challenges.

Asian Businesswoman In Home Office

Custom Digital Forms

Fillable Forms for Online Assessment

Simple Tech Answers collaborated with an internet influencer/blogger in the self-help industry to design a fillable form for her customers. This custom form served as an assessment survey for individuals embarking on a 30-day inner peace program. Our solution not only streamlined the pre-program process but also enhanced the user experience, demonstrating our versatility and commitment to providing tailored solutions for diverse needs.

Asian Manager On Factory Floor

Custom Excel Applications

Real-Time Production Tracking

Simple Tech Answers collaborated with a manufacturing company to consolidate data from disparate ERP, HR, and inventory systems. We developed a custom Excel solution that seamlessly matched sales orders with manufacturing activities and raw materials. This allowed the client to track the production cycle in real-time, providing invaluable insights into their operations.

Our Approach

Our approach at STA is rooted in collaboration and innovation. We work closely with your team to understand your business goals, challenges, and processes. With this insight, we tailor our tech solutions to provide maximum value, driving efficiency, and growth.

A Happy Business Owner Smiling

Get to Know Your Business

We’re here to listen. We start by getting to know your business, its goals, and its challenges. This helps us identify where our tech solutions can add the most value.

African American Businessman smiling in front of whiteboard

Create a Tailored Solution

Based on our understanding of your business, we tailor our tech solutions to your specific needs. This could include data consultation, process improvement, or AI implementation.

Two businessmen shaking hands as a symbol of agreement and partnership

Implement and Educate

We not only provide the solutions but also assist in their implementation. We help you fully understand the technolgy and ensure it integrates seamlessly with your existing processes.


From Our Blog

An AI Primer for Small Businesses

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and small businesses are not immune to this trend. In fact, AI can be a powerful tool for small businesses to improve their efficiency, productivity, and customer service. Here are a few examples...

read more

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Let’s Grow Your Business Together

About Us

Simple Tech Answers is a provider of data consultation, business process improvement, and artificial intelligence services for small businesses. We are dedicated to helping small businesses use technology to drive growth and efficiency.


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